200,000+ Customers

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200,000+ Customers

Everything Modular

High-quality service

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Request sample pack

Can be requested easily, without obligation and free of charge.

Would you like to see the colours of Gumax® verandas in real life, or are you curious about the different roof types? By requesting the package below, you do not need to visit the showroom to experience the quality of our products. 

Apply for the package by filling in the form below.

In this sample pack, you will find everything you need to make your decision.
Think samples of the two glass types, polycarbonate, colour samples, current brochure and price list. 

Gratis samplepakket aanvragen

The request is without obligation and free of charge and the package fits through the letterbox, so you do not have to stay at home for delivery. By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy.

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