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Questions on delivery
You can easily return your order within 14 days, by completing the return form on our website. Subsequently, you can place a new order with the correct size.
Did you order an incorrectly sized glass sliding door? Please contact our customer service. In some situations and if the product is still in its original condition and packaging and has not been customised, it is possible to exchange the item at the original delivery address, for an additional transport cost of £299.
Yes, Tuinmaximaal delivers on weekdays all year round. No deliveries are made at the weekend.
Our planning department schedules your order for delivery and notifies you of your delivery date(s) by phone or e-mail. Make sure that you can receive your order between 7 am and 7 pm at the address you provided when you placed the order.
Tuinmaximaal will keep you informed about the status of your order, by email and/or telephone. You will receive a confirmation email and a proof of payment. We will call you on the delivery day, two hours before arrival.
Read more about the complete European delivery area where Tuinmaximaal currently delivers.
In England, you pay £49 to £199.
Do you wish for a delivery outside the delivery area? Then read below about the possibilities for your order outside the delivery area.
In order to make sure that you receive your order in good order, we ask you to be available at the time of the delivery.
Yes, your delivery address may be different from the invoice address. In this case, you will have to provide both addresses when placing the order.
Approximately 2 hours before the delivery moment, the deliverers will contact you by telephone. If you are not at home when they arrive, our deliverers will contact you again by telephone. If you are not available, the deliver will assess whether the products can be left safely at your house. If this is not possible, the order will be taken back to the warehouse. If the products are not delivered due to a reason attributable to the buyer (for example no authorised person was there to receive the products or no suitable location to place the products), the buyer will be charged for extra costs of GBP 199. After payment of these costs, we will reschedule the delivery.
You can read the terms of delivery in the document General Terms & Conditions .
In the event of swapping and/or subsequent delivery of a product, you may be confronted with the delivery area of Tuinmaximaal. If you live outside the delivery area you can have your product swapped and/or subsequently delivered by Tuinmaximaal at the original delivery address, within the delivery area.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, your order was not delivered on the delivery date, one of the employees of Tuinmaximaal will contact you to schedule a new delivery date with you. The delivery time will then become effective again. Any costs incurred will not be compensated by Tuinmaximaal.
Read more about the complete European delivery area where Tuinmaximaal currently delivers. The deliverers of Tuinmaximaal deliver your order up to a maximum of 10 m from your premises and where possible to the first threshold on the ground floor at your home.
We ensure professional delivery of your order. The carrier may vary. Our deliveries are made by both internal and external carriers. This depends on the package size of your order.
The delivery time is coordinated with you personally. Therefore, a track and trace code is not necessary. On the day of delivery, the carrier will contact you by telephone half an hour before it reaches you.
In the unlikely event that you are not at home on arrival, the deliverers will contact you again by telephone to discuss the possibilities.
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