This summer, you want to enjoy the nice weather again. Unfortunately, you find out that the garden has gone feral after winter. And you'd rather enjoy your garden than do the big spring cleaning. Here's how to quickly enjoy spring weather in the garden again in just 4 steps!

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Step 1. Round up your friends & family

Cleaning, tidying and polishing. Probably not your favourite activity. So gather your friends and family to do this job together. Cleaning together is a lot more fun, and many hands also make light work. Make sure you take enough breaks and have tasty snacks ready! That's how to make spring cleaning a lot more fun. Put on some music and get to it.

Step 2. Clear the garden

After winter, the garden often looks messy. Everywhere you see dead branches, dead plants and loose leaves. The trees and plants are slow to bloom, so it is important to maintain your garden properly. Grab a big wheelbarrow and clean up all the garden waste lying around. A small effort, and it will instantly make your garden look nicer.   

Step 3. Clean your garden furniture

Is your garden furniture stored in the garage during the winter? Or was your garden furniture outside all winter? Actually, the answer doesn't matter, they could use a cleaning either way. Expensive cleaning equipment is unnecessary. Grandmother's tip still works best: a simple soak with warm water and liquid soap. Then rinse the garden furniture with water and it will be ready for another season.

Step 4. Make your veranda summer ready

Your veranda probably needs a cleaning after the inclement winter weather. Fortunately, aluminium verandas are maintenance free, making them easy to clean with a wet cloth. If you also want to clean the roof of your veranda, it is best to use an extendable chamois. Has your sun shading screen become dirty? You can clean it with lukewarm soapy water. We recommend allowing the screen to dry thoroughly and only retract it once it is completely dry.

Now that everything is clean, you can enjoy your garden. The garden is the ideal place to relax. In this blog, you will find tips on how to enjoy the outdoors.

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