Do you enjoy spending time in the outside air? And do you like keeping busy? Then go exercise outside. You can choose from many sports, such as golf, frisbee, skating or yoga. Exercising outdoors is very healthy. Your body gets a lot of vitamin D through sunlight. Also, (outdoor) exercise is good for your body as well as your mental health. So quickly get your sportswear out of the closet and start exercising outside.  


Hit a ball on the golf course
Golf is a very challenging and addictive outdoor sport. A good golfer practices a lot. Your patience, effort and perseverance come in handy in this sport. Once you master the technique, it is great fun and maybe even addictive. A great advantage of golfing is that you get to enjoy being out in nature. Totally unwind while hitting a ball on the beautiful green golf courses.

Go frisbee in the park or on the beach
Looking for a fun and social sport? Then go play frisbee. After all, you always do this sport with several people. Frisbee is easy, even if you have never done it before. This makes the sport accessible and fun for everyone. And it is also good for your health. You are constantly moving, taking lots of steps and sprinting every now and then. This way, you will soon reach the daily recommended amount of exercise. Frisbeeing also improves your hand-eye coordination.

You need a lot of space for this sport. The park or the beach are ideal locations to play frisbee. Invite bystanders to a game, too. That way, you also get to meet new people.

Put on your rollerblades
When the sun shines, going out on your rollerblades is lovely. Roll smoothly along beautiful roads: along the forest edge, between the meadows or over the dykes. You can skate anywhere you want. Do you work close to home? Then why not take rollerblades as a mode of transport sometimes? Very fun and healthy. After all, you use almost all muscles while rollerblading and it is a good form of cardio. Your joints are put under minimal strain, making rollerblading the ideal workout.

Outdoor exercise in less favourable weather
Is it rainy weather or still very chilly outdoors? Then exercise under your veranda. You are protected from outside weather and get to enjoy the outdoors in the garden at the same time. Plus, there is plenty of space under a veranda. Simply roll out the yoga mat and get going. Yoga is good for your flexibility, it makes you stronger and has a positive effect on your mental health. You can easily learn how to do yoga yourself from home. Tip: check out one of the many YouTube videos. Here, they explain each exercise step by step. Would you rather do something else? Exercising on a treadmill or crosstrainer is also ideal under your veranda.

Need more inspiration? Check out our Pinterest board 'outdoor exercise'.