“Material, colour and smell create the ultimate mood experience,” says Colien van Duijnhoven, interior designer at Studio Coco. Enjoy a warm and atmospheric interior during the cold winter days. Make it extra cosy indoors and under your veranda. “Use warm colours and combine different materials.” 


“Interiors are all about you as a person,” explains Colien van Duijnhoven, interior designer at Studio Coco. Furnish each room entirely according to your own taste. “The functional nature the foundation. Material, colour and smell create personality.”

Make use of different materials

Create a warm, homely and playful interior by combining different materials. “Think wool and velvet or opt for a warm, large high-pile rug,” Colien explains. “Under your veranda, choose weather-resistant fabrics.” Really go all out with the interior of your veranda. Bring the outside in and the inside out. Combine opposite materials with each other. Such as concrete tiles with a soft rug or a tabletop made of wood with a steel frame. Wondering which materials go well together? Then create a materials board. Ask for samples in the store for this. Also order the sample pack from Tuinmaximaal free of charge and without obligation.



Use colour for a warm, personal atmosphere
Using colour makes your interior personal. It makes the space smaller or, on the contrary, bigger and brighter. Colours also affect mood and wind chill. Red, orange and brown colours feel warmer than, say, purple or blue. Especially in winter temperatures, the colours in your interior make a big difference. “With the right colours, you can easily create a warm atmosphere. Choose thunder green, rust brown or ochre,” Colien advises. “Reflect these colours in accessories such as cushions, plaids, candles and vases.” A nice side benefit: warm colours also make you feel energetic and happy.

Complete the mood experience with scent
Complete the mood experience with the perfect scent. You immediately feel more comfortable when you smell a pleasant scent. Scents subconsciously connect you to memories and associated emotions. Take advantage of this with your interiors. Do you have fond memories of baking apple pie with your mother? Then use cinnamon and apple scents in your home. These scents instantly take you back to the beautiful moment of the past. “Add scented candles to your interior or use scented diffusers,” Colien advises.

Need more inspiration? Check out our Pinterest board.