Outside, it stays light longer, the sun comes through more often, there are blossoms on the trees and birds start nesting. In other words: spring is coming. This also immediately brings more life to your garden. To enjoy spring in your garden as much as possible, we give you a few tips.

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1. Place a birdhouse in your garden

In spring, many birds start making nests. So be sure to place a birdhouse in your garden. Hopefully, birds will know where to find it. So you can enjoy the splendour of nature in your own garden. How special is it to see little birds flying in and out? Birdhouses are also easy to make yourself and style as you like.

2. Plants and colourful flowers

Enjoy the beautiful colours that spring brings by placing plants and colourful flowers in your garden. For example, place a decorative ladder with several flower pots in your garden. A combination of different flower types makes for a colourful whole.

3. Plant a vegetable garden

Spring is the ideal season to start planting a vegetable garden. Eat delicious vegetables or enrich your cooking with herbs from your own garden. Put together the tastiest dishes using the freshest ingredients. Do you have some left over? Then surprise your loved ones with these fresh treats from your own garden.

4. Dress up your garden in spring atmospheres

With accessories, you get your spring garden ready in a jiffy. Enrich your garden furniture with spring-style accessories, such as pillows in fresh colours or an outdoor rug. Or put brightly coloured items on the table, such as candlesticks with pretty candles. If you have planned a cosy dinner at home, dress up the table in spring style and have a cosy evening under your veranda.


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