Are you the lucky owner of a veranda? Then chances are that you will want to be as comfortable and cosy as possible. The following tips will help you with that.

Black veranda with Lighting System

1. Create a pleasant environment with the right lighting

Lighting is not only functional, it also influences the atmosphere in the room. Therefore, decide in advance what you will mainly use your veranda for. Want to enjoy your veranda with your family all year round? Then apply warm mood lighting to create a pleasant and fun space. Do you regularly use your garden room as a workspace? In that case, bright lighting makes more sense. So match your lighting to the right mood. For example, mount pretty wall lights on the wall or choose built-in, dimmable LED lighting. This allows you to create the desired atmosphere at the touch of a button.

2. Determine the right furnishing for your veranda

Your garden room is the ideal place to relax. So furnish your veranda with comfortable furniture. Do you have a small veranda? Make the most of the space with multifunctional furniture, such as a corner sofa with built-in storage. In addition, heat the surroundings with a wall-mounted heater. That way, you don't lose precious floor space. A spacious terrace lends itself well to a large table where you can enjoy a family meal. Opt for natural materials to really match the veranda to your garden.

3. Choose suitable paving for your garden room

It’s not just furniture and colours that set the mood; the floor also influences the room. Whereas wooden deck tiles give your garden room an instant warmth, ceramic tiles create a modern and sleek look. In addition, remember that maintenance varies for each type of floor and that the floor affects the insulation of the environment. Therefore, think carefully about the choice of flooring to best suit your needs.


4. Maintain your veranda properly

Although an aluminium veranda requires minimal maintenance, a little servicing is desirable every now and then. You can clean the aluminium with a soft cloth or sponge and lukewarm soapy water and a non-degreasing soap. Rinse the veranda well with water after cleaning. Do the same with the roofing. Come across a scratch on the aluminium that can't be polished away? Then fill the scratch with a paint pen. More severe damage can be covered with a spray can. Do you have glass sliding doors in your veranda? Over time, it is necessary to clean the glass. This can be done in the same way as polishing your windows. Finally, check the gutter regularly for leaves and debris to prevent blockages.

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