Zomerse situatie onder een terrasoverkapping

In the summer months, temperatures can soar. Want to enjoy your garden comfortably even during this period? The following tips will ensure you have a carefree and relaxed summer.

Atmospheric summer evenings

Long, warm summer evenings; we can't get enough of them. With a few preparations, you can enjoy your garden in style when the sun goes down. Garden lighting is of course essential here. From torches along the garden path, to colourful light strings on the wall or built-in LED lights in your veranda. Are mosquitoes disrupting your outdoor enjoyment? Put citronella candles on the table or place a fan on your terrace; mosquitoes do not like moving air. Just finished barbecuing? Then place a few branches of rosemary on the coals of the barbecue. This too should deter mosquitoes.

Seeing green and yellow

Do you see the grass in your garden slowly turning more yellow? Maintaining a green lawn is almost impossible with a lot of drought. Rule number one to maintain your lawn: always spray in the morning or evening. Once the sun starts shining, water evaporates quickly and not enough water goes into the soil. Is the grass starting to discolour despite this? Then remember that your lawn will restore itself and the grass will be greener again for you too. 



terrasoverkapping met zonwering


Cool off for a moment

Are there no clouds in the sky to help you cool off for a bit? Then it is nice to have other options to cool down. Put a fan next to you for a cooling breeze or have a water sprayer ready for refreshing mist. Do you have a veranda? With sun shading under your veranda, you can easily create a pleasant shaded area. And how about a nice outdoor shower? Get under it and you’ll cool down right away!

Plant care

Besides cooling yourself, think about caring for your plants. After all, with high temperatures, your plants have a lot to endure. Start by removing dead flowers and weeds. This will prevent diseases and fungi. In addition, give your outdoor plants plenty of water. Plants in pots need this especially badly. So make a round with the watering can every day before sunrise or after the sun has set. Don't pour the water on the leaves, but in the soil. This is because the sun can cause damage to wet leaves. Just remember that every plant is different, so always check what is best for the greenery in your garden.