A day that returns every year: Valentine's Day. 14 February is the day to surprise your loved one. And what better way to do that than by creating a real Valentine's Day dinner at home? In this blog, we give you 4 tips to ensure an unforgettable evening.


valentijnsdiner terrasoverkapping

1. Table decorations for Valentine's dinner

Create a romantic atmosphere by dressing the table cosily. Think about a matching tablecloth, beautiful tableware, some roses on the table and place heart-shaped balloons if necessary. Put some cushions on the chairs so you sit comfortably.

2. Provide atmospheric music

Create a romantic atmosphere by putting on a home-made playlist. For example, choose your favourite songs and play them throughout the evening. Music evokes memories, which you can use to surprise your loved one even more. How special is it when you can share your passion for certain music with each other?

3. Matching lighting during dinner

What plays a very important role during a romantic evening is lighting. With candles on the table, you instantly create a romantic atmosphere. Do you have a veranda? Dimmable LED lights provide atmospheric lighting that is ideal for the evening. The brightness can then be adjusted entirely as desired.

4. A Valentine's dinner to your liking

As they sometimes say: the way to a person’s heart is through their stomach. So make sure that on Valentine's Day, you have a dinner you both like. Cook a delicious dinner yourself, or be surprised by picking up delicacies from a nearby restaurant. The advantage of having a Valentine's Day dinner at home is that you can plop down on the couch right afterwards to end the evening with your favourite series or film.

Want more inspiration for a Valentine's Day dinner at home? Then take a look at our Pinterest board here.